Monday, January 18, 2021

Top five yoga poses.

 Sometimes the right information in life can change a person's life.  This is what happened while doing yoga with me.

            There are many yoga asanas and poses which are designed to enhance health.

    Performing all Yogasanas shows that there are great benefits in yoga positions such as improving our condition and making us feel healthy.
    Sometimes, we are dishonest to ourselves, meaning we do not do yoga in the right way.  If we practice for a long time and do nothing about it, we will not get any result in the future. If you want to do yoga then do it in the right way.
  While this is true, the state of yoga is good for our strength
    The body is paying attention to the thighs, knees, and ankles.  If you have a habit of doing yoga daily, your bones are expected to react immediately.
      In some circumstances, the stomach and back are considered a turning point for both sexes.  For the male, it is ideal for maintaining a passive belly.  This makes it more attractive for women.
       A good thing for many women, many of them are practicing to get a lot more attractive and attractive in their body.
    Yoga posts gave astonishing relief to sciatica.  These are some pain that cannot be stopped.  If you do yoga once and regularly, you probably won't have back or muscle pain.
     Here are some techniques on how to maintain a good yoga position.
    Just follow these steps to fully understand the yoga positions and be able to execute it properly.

Table of Contents
Yoga position number 1:

Tadasana is generally the primary yoga position for all standing.  Stress is particularly beneficial.  
Stay in the posture for 1 second to 30 seconds, then it is acceptable to breathe easily.

Yoga position number 2:

Top five yoga poses.

    Flex your thigh muscles and then lift the knee cap.  Do this without hardening the lower abdomen.  To strengthen the inner arch, lift the inner ankles, then extend a line of energy along your inner thighs to your gorge.  From there, through the origin of your neck, torso, and head, and out through the crown of your head.  You should slowly bend the upper thighs inward.  Raise your tailbone towards the floor and lift the pubis in the direction of the navel.

Yoga position number 3:

Top five yoga poses.

    Run your shoulder blades backwards, then widen them crossways and discharge them under your back.  Without moving your lower front ribs roughly, lift the top of your sternum directly toward the roof.  Widen your collarbone.  Suspend your arms with the torso.

Yoga position number 4:

Top five yoga poses.

    You should balance the crown of your head without interruption in the middle of your pelvis, which is flat on the floor, soft of the throat, and at the base of your chin as well as the widest part of the tongue and at the bottom of your mouth  is.  Make your eyes soft.

   Yoga position number 5:

Top five yoga poses.

You have to stand while touching the big toes of your toe and move the heel slightly apart. You should lift your toes slowly and stretch.  Then after that, you should place them gently on the floor.  And rock yourself back and forth and even side by side.  You can gradually reduce this waving to prevent your weight evenly balanced on your feet.

    Just follow these clear figures and you are sure that you are doing the right yoga asana.



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